We have been serving the blind community with technology and resources since our launch trip in 2017. Below are videos and other media items from some of our past outreach projects.



Laurel was recently privileged to serve blind Ukrainian refugees with our dear friends Dr. Anthony and Olga Mahler in Warsaw, Poland. During our two trips to Poland we were able to provide over $40,000 in laptops, braille displays, a braille printer, canes and many other educational supplies to adults and students fleeing Ukraine. 

Below are 3 videos from that outreach and a picture of Laurel presenting a computer to a young female student. A second picture below shows Laurel and her mother Jamie working with students at the Laski School for the Blind just outside of Warsaw, Poland. 

Laurel presents a young female student with a new laptop computerr.
Laurel and her mother Jamie work at a table with students at the Laski School for the Blind in Warsaw, Poland.



In the fall of 2017 Laurel and her father Larry traveled to Moscow to serve several blind university students there with laptops and phones, canes and other resources. After attending a conference for people with disabilities they traveled from Russia to Armenia and Georgia where they met new friends, served several blind recipients and did some networking. Below are videos from the trip. 


We recently met Reynold and Kathy Mainse, who are working to build a community educational, training and recreational center in Gulu, Uganda. There are many blind and visually impaired in Uganda and Reynold has asked us to work with them to develop a center  for people with disabilities. To launch our project we presented a new laptop computer and iphone to a wonderful leader in the blind community named Patrick. We also sent several MP3 players to seed a library where the blind can receive access to training and educational materials. To the right is a picture of Patrick receiving his new computer and phone.

Patrick, a leader of the blind community in Gulu , Uganda smiles as he receives a new laptop computer and phone.